Please help us promote our blog. Copy and paste this code to a new "HTML/Javascript Code" page element on your blog: <a href="">Click Here to visit Bloggers' Help & FAQ - A blog which consists of all kinds of FAQ's and other information for Blogger blogs which may be relavent to other sites or blogging companies./>

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why can't I find my Blog in Search Engines?

This is a frequent question from new bloggers. New bloggers who have just started are very impatient to find their blogs in search engines. However, search engines take some time to index new blogs. The first thing bloggers should do is to check if their blogs had been indexed. This can be done by typing their URL of their blog in search engines and searching it. For example, to check if this blog (Bloggers' Help & FAQ) is indexed, I would type:

If any result shows up it means my blog is indexed.
If nothing shows up, it means it had not been indexed yet and you have to submit it. If it had been indexed, there would at least one result.
Even after a blog is index, it would be perhaps at the end SERP's (SERP means "Search Engine Result Page") which obviously would be very hard to find.
You should be very patient because sometimes Search Engines take more time than usual. If you are facing any problems feel free to comment.

NOTE: I have added a detailed post on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Click Here to read it.

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